Imputed meaning…

With everything in our life we place some meaning upon it. When we wake up in the morning we assign values to the expected day. When we look in the mirror we already have a story about who is looking back. When we are at work we ascribe some value to what we do and...

Happiness and suffering…

I woke in the early hours of the morning with a theme “Happiness and suffering are contained within a single thought.” One could argue that happiness and suffering are two sides of the same coin. One side is happy and the other is suffering. Yet, there is a third...

Going with the flow…

There is an old saying, “you can never stand in the same river twice.” The perspective here being that a river is forever flowing and changing. It does not remain constant or the same. Life is like a river. It is forever changing. How we view the flow of life...

Experiencing love…

One of the most pleasurable and sought after experiences in the human form is that of love. Great journeys have been taken, wars have been waged and stories have been written about love that speak to all of us. In many of my blogs I have written about suffering,...

Being present…

What does it mean to be present? Mystics and sages have referred to the quality and significance of being present throughout the centuries. But what does this mean on a day-to-day, moment-to-moment basis? Can everyone experience presence? During my daily meditation, I...