There are times in our life when we are not looking forward to an upcoming event. Perhaps it is a conversation with someone, a meeting we have to attend or an appointment we just keep putting off. In our mind, we create a story about how we think it will go and how...
As human beings each of us are born with a physical body, a vessel to live in during our lifetime. We have our bodies for our entire life. Our physical body allows us to have interaction with the external world. When we are young our senses provide wondrous...
Events occur in our life continuously moment-to-moment. Some of these events cause no reaction within us. There is no charge to them and we are indifferent. Other events occur and we have an instant reaction. Our blood pressure increases, we may physically tighten up,...
I was listening to a talk given by Osho this week which caused me to pause. For those who aren’t familiar with Osho he was a controversial spiritual teacher from India who established a center in the US and taught throughout the world in the 70s & 80s. In this...
Can we define the experience of love? Sure love is an emotional state but how would you explain to another how love makes you feel? Is all loving the same? In this week’s blog I thought I would share one of my favourite poems by Rumi, a 13th century Persian poet, and...