Have you noticed throughout your day when you feel stressed? Do you notice times when you feel more relaxed and calm? What are you doing during these different times? Lately, I have noticed a sharp contrast in my state of happiness between times when I am showered...
Each moment of life is full of the unexpected. We don’t know from one moment to the next what will happen, how we will respond or what will be presented for us to journey. One moment we are the teacher and the next the student. Impermanence is the dance. I was...
Throughout one’s day-to-day experience there are events, situations or people who bring out a reaction in us. These reactions can be perceived to be either positive or negative. It is these reactions that are our “hooks” in life in which we are...
Every day there seems to be no shortage of events that cause reactions in us. People and events surface that leave us feeling happy or sad. Each event has numerous details that support its existence. Yet, if we can dive a bit deeper into what is really going on around...
Our lives are filled moment-to-moment with opportunity to learn. All that we encounter provides learning opportunities. Our reactivity to what is presented in our lives is the lesson. More than just our reactions, it’s our reactions to our reactivity that provides...