
All of us have experienced anger in our lives at one time or another. As children we react to things quickly when we don’t get what we want. In our development, we learn to manage our anger to deal with the intense emotions in a way that gets our feelings out, without...

Life’s unfolding…

Have you ever noticed that life never unfolds exactly as you expect it will? No matter how much planning and anticipating you do life has a way of unfolding differently than you intended. I have noticed that throughout my day, my expectations or thoughts of how things...

No mind…

I had a moment this week of clarity and insight. This was one of those simple and yet profound moments of insight that spontaneously occur. My awareness was in regard to a state of no mind, moments when the mind is still. I have been writing of late about the benefits...

Focusing upon positivity…

There seems to be a preoccupation in the world with fear based thinking. A predominant theme at the movie theatre is Armageddon and annihilation of the human species. Our news stories focus upon catastrophes, natural disasters or human suffering. It’s not that these...

Experiencing silence…

In last week’s blog I wrote about getting “unplugged.” Removing all those things in life that we use to fill each and every moment. The news, TV, radio and “the busyness” that we use to avoid experiencing life as it is, right here and now. When we remove...